Sunday, 10 April 2011

Good Powerpoint Presentation

Audiences or readers attraction is important matter to take note when designing a webpage or presentation. Reep (2006) says that “writes that there are purposes to why design is important; for design can increase interests of the reader, directing texts so that readers remember the more important information and a design that reflects its designer.”
The pictures below show 2 different ways of presenting. 

These 2 slides basically have different design; one is in white color background and another one is in blue color background. Both also have different type of title of the slide. The first slide basically talks about the 2009 plan. It is presented in bullets and also a bit explanation. The second slide is talks about protecting America’s workforce and it is presented in bullets only. In my own opinion both are really interesting slides, but then they have pro and cons. Example in slide 1, basically the audiences can read from the slide. This way they can get the info right away without need the speaker to actually explain it. This way also makes the audience much clearer on what the speaker talks about. Slide no 2 basically in bullets only, therefore the audience need to wait for the speaker to explain to get the information. This way it makes the audiences focus more on the speaker when they presenting.
“Colors play an important role in designing a document”, Reep (2006). By it means here that color can highlight important points. Slide no 1 is in white color, it can be boring to anyone while slide no 2 can take the audience attention by presenting in different color beside white. Sometimes, if the color to heavy, then it makes the audiences hard to read. Therefore, choose the color wisely. 

Reep, Diana C. 2006, ‘Chp 4: Principles of Document Design,’ in Technical Writing, 6th ed., Pearson Edu, Inc., New York, p.173-190.

Issues in Publication and Design.

The way I look at articles as well as web pages has changed since I learn Issues in Publication and Design.  They are sometimes randomly arranged to make it interesting to the readers. Design and layouts also help to attract the readers. This subject is interesting to learn although we never aware of how it is important to design the article. All in all IPD is interesting to learn for those who is really interested in designing a web page or magazine.
